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90 Minute Massage change

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  • 60 Minute Massage $100
    This service is tailored for you! Hot stones, cool stones, massage cups, warm towels and warm rice bags...per your request, will help create a restorative, soothing session.  Consider a 90 minute massage to go deeply into your experience...aahhh! 
  • Current Ambetter Client Treatment massage
    Ambetter Treatment massages are limited to 60 minutes. If you choose to pay privately for a longer massage, please book a 90 minute appointment and be prepared to pay $30/30 minutes. We are currently not accepting new clients.
  • Current clients only Regence/Uniform Treatment massage
    Clients must be pre-approved before initial massage appointment. Please call the office, thank you.
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage $100
    MLD is a specialized, sequential massage which has been formulated to help individuals suffering from lymphedema, auto-immune disease, lipedema, CVI and more.
    Oncology massage is safe and gentle for clients who are receiving chemotherapy infusion.
  • Oncology Massage $100
    A nurturing,slow and gentle massage to support the body after chemotherapy and antibiotic treatments, and helps the body cleanse itself of the post-treatment debris. Call for more information.
  • 90 Minute Massage & Body Scan combo $135
    A 30 minute body scan to begin, centering and relaxing into the body with this guided (by me) meditation, then 60 minutes of relaxation massage.
  • Package of 3- 60 minute Relaxation massages $285
  • Package of 3- 90 minute Relaxation massages $390
    Includes optional hot stones, cupping, hot packs on request. You can book 90 minute appointments at the 11 AM and 2 PM slots Wednesday through Friday, and 11:30 on Saturday.  For other times, please call the office. 90 minute massages are available in packages of 3 or more at a discounted fee.
  • Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy/MABT $120
  • Somatic Life Coach sessions

    A life coach can help you find direction, establish goals, be accountable, re-charge your passion for going forward: professionally, spiritually, in relationships. A somatic life coach is well-versed in bringing clarity to the messages, the "gut feelings" that we all experience and so often don't notice. The quiet voice within each of us is very wise!
    • Body-informed Life Coach session $95
      If you are in transition, curious about your future goals, or in a quandary about your life as it is now, receive support by connecting with your own inner wisdom with a safe and confidential somatic session. Questions? Call Ellen for details: 360-316-6544
Staff: No preference, Ellen Falconer LMT/CLT, Ellen Falconer Additional apptsPrice:$135